More dream sequence! I don’t have much to comment on, I mean it’s a dream sequence! How much can I really say?
Just the other day I received a package in the mail from my buds at Microcosm Publishing, and inside was the brand spankin’ new gigantic SCAM Anthology they just put out! When I was a teenage punk kid in the 90s I used to hear about the SCAM zine all the time; it was the stuff of legend! I’m not sure when it stopped being produced but I know it was hard enough to find in the mid 90′s (at least for me, I never found it) that you would hear tell of it, like it was the Boo Radley of zines or something.
People would refer to the scams told of in SCAM, tell how they worked or didn’t work, and believe me, if it’s one thing punk kids like doing it’s finding new ways to scam free stuff. When I was younger (I don’t do this anymore) my favorite thing was to order a pizza from this local Domino’s downtown (notorious donators to some questionable organizations, so I never would have bought anything from them anyway) and get it with a ton of ridiculous toppings on it that no one would ever order. We would have it sent to an imaginary apartment across the street from a stoop where we could watch the attempted delivery, and at the end of the day after the shop closed, we would go in and ask if they had any extra pizzas. Lo and behold, the pizza with the crazy toppings would be sitting there for us to consume! The people who worked there were always really nice and gave it to us without any hassle. We would usually eat our fill and then share it with friends or random homeless people we found. Everybody wins!
(Actually, I drew a short two-page “My Brain Hurts” story for the Microcosm anthology 13 Years of Good Luck based around the pizza scam! You can get it for only a BUCK from Microcosm as well!)
Anyway, SCAM was a zine full of stories like that, and now I’m finally getting to read some of them in this great anthology! It’s HUGE and only $13 if you get it from Microcosm. I’ve only read through the first issue’s worth so far, but it’s totally worth it already.
Also awesome: I got this adorable note from my bud Sparky with the package, she works for Microcosm and undoubtedly packed the order (I helped fund their Kickstarter to publish the SCAM antho):
Don’t forget, Philly folks – I’ll be at the this Sunday and I have a two page comic in the PACC anthology, which will be for sale at the con!
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Fables of Freewheel – (1 page in the queue!) $32 to add another page to the queue!
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