It’s the very last page of Chapter Six! On Monday we’ll begin Chapter Seven, and with it a TOTALLY INSANE DREAM SEQUENCE. Well okay it’s not “totally insane” but it is kind of funky. I hope that’s not a spoiler…
This weekend is the very first t in Brooklyn, and I might go. I was thinking about it, and though I have a crap ton of work to get done… they DO have $2 pints of Yuengling, which is probably my most favorite beer, soooo I might go after all! I didn’t even realize until last fall when I was in the midwest that Yuengling is kind of a regional beer of the northeast area of the U.S. Someone asked me what kind of beer I wanted and when I said “Yuengling” they laughed at me and told me I wasn’t in Pennsylvania!
“Yuengling” is pronounced “ying-ling.” Just an FYI if you are thinking of trying to order it at your local bar or neighborhood pub this evening.
Yuengling was the first beer I ever tasted that made me realize beer could actually taste good and wasn’t necessarily just there to get me drunk, like the (RIP) and assorted flavored malt beverages I frequently imbibed as a youth.
The other favorite was St. Ides Special Brew, which was (I’m guessing) as close as the company could come to marketing to kids and teenagers without crossing over into the infamous flavored malt beverage ice pops territory. Yup, back when I was a teenager there existed frozen ice pops that had booze in them. Of course, we only heard tell of them – the neighborhood delis that sold alcohol to minors did not keep these things in stock (and smartly so – it seems the few stores that did stock them were swiftly reprimanded for selling to minors). But believe me, among my friends, these boozey pops were the stuff of legend. They were the holy grail of hootch.
ANYWAY. Yuengling is a very tasty beer, and now that I am too old to give a shit about getting wasted on candy flavored booze, I can appreciate the merit of such a thing. And only $2 a pint at Pete’s Mini Zine Fest this Saturday!
OH! I almost forgot - the big 50% off sale is still going on in the store! It’s going until Sunday! Just enter the code BIG100 at checkout to get 50% off your entire order! GO GO GO!
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Fables of Freewheel – (2 pages in the queue!) $32 to add another page to the queue!
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Not having a facebook means I can’t see where the zine fest is.
Ugh yeah I know… I’m sorry, they didn’t make a website or even a blog to talk about it that I’m aware of… but it’ll be at Pete’s Candy Store from 3-7pm at 709 Lorimer Street.
I did a thing of the full rundown:
We appreciate the shout out, Liz!