It’s George! He’s alive! But he does look a bit… different from before, don’t you think? That Large Anders is a good dude (and has one of my favorite character names aside from Fingerfoot). Today’s update is actually the last page of Chapter Four, can you believe it? On Friday we’ll be getting back to Jamie and the Tony’s Twins and the Contessa and all that in Chapter Five.
Soooo… I have some bad news. Well, it’s more bad news for me than for you, but bad nonetheless. On Monday afternoon as I was working in my studio I had a very unfortunate accident involving my laptop smashing to the ground and then being covered in black ink water that I use to clean my pens. The screen was smashed irreparably but luckily the hard drive was okay, so after I finished freaking out I ran to the 24-hour Apple store in midtown and picked up a brand new iMac. Being that so much of my work is computer and internet-based, I couldn’t afford to wait until I could afford a new computer, so I had to put the thing on credit.
What I’m getting at is, I need to pay off this computer purchase as fast as possible, so I’ll be running some big sales and offering some new stuff in the coming weeks in the hopes that I can pay off at least a chunk of this credit card bill. The first thing I’ll be offering is half off all original art. That’s right! Original art, which is normally $200 a page, is now only $100 a page for the next few weeks! Just find the page you want, click the button under the page that says “buy this page’s original art” and follow the instructions! If you’d like to get a page from My Brain Hurts or any of my other non-Freewheel work, those pages run about $50. Email me for details at liz (at) lizbaillie (dot) com if you’re interested in any non-Freewheel work.
If you’d like to help me not get into crippling debt but don’t have $100 to throw at some original art, you can also help by purchasing anything from the store. Just enter the code COMPUTERDISASTER at checkout to receive 15% off everything in the store, from t-shirts to books to whatever!
Once I get a little money I’ll make one of those thermometer things so you can track my progress in paying off this unfortunately necessary purchase (I’m hoping to cover the cost of the computer plus tax, which was around $1300 total). I’m hoping to begin offering some prints and cheap commissions soon as well, but that will probably have to wait until next week!
I also plan to begin offering donation incentives soon, but haven’t been able to yet as the last two days have been taken over by the monumental task of transferring all the data from my smashed computer onto the new computer. However, if you are feeling generous, feel free to donate anyway! Every little bit helps!
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Freewheel: Volume One is now available in both standard (unsigned) and Artist Edition (signed with a sketch)! Get it now at the Trading Post!