The Tony’s Twins invite you into their secret lair beyond the flowering bush! Do you accept? Y/N?

On Friday Chapter 3 begins and we get to see the inside of the Tony’s Twins’ lair! It’s pretty rad, I gotta say. It’s exactly what you would think a house run by two 14-year-old boys would look like. Meaning, totally awesome!

So if you weren’t able to get in on the Freewheel Fundraising Campout and you didn’t make it out to the MoCCA Art Fest this past weekend, but still want to get a copy of Freewheel: Volume One, I’ve got some good news for you!

Freewheel: Volume One is now !

I don’t want to steal any thunder from comics retailers, but it’s going to take some time before Freewheel: Volume One reaches them, so if you just can’t wait to get your Freewheel fix, I highly recommend . The amount of copies pre-ordered affects the number of copies they buy from me, and as soon as they get them, they’ll ship ‘em out to you! Easy peasy!

If you would rather buy the book from your local comics shop, let me know who they are and I’ll send them a mailer! Be sure to ask for Freewheel: Volume One in the store as well so they know you want it!
