Jamie sure has an interesting way of putting things in perspective!
So here in the States this Friday after Thanksgiving (which is today) is also known as Black Friday, where stores have crazy huge sales in anticipation of the many gift-giving holidays in December (Christmas, Hanukah, etc.). The stores open as early as 3am (!!!) and every year there’s a new story about how someone died during a stamped for the latest kids’ toy or electronic gadget thingy.
Black Friday is also known as Buy Nothing Day, which is a day of protest against the rampant consumerism of Black Friday, in which people pledge to, you guessed it, buy nothing at all. While I understand the point of Buy Nothing Day completely (the crass consumerism around the winter holidays does make me a bit ill), I also think it’s just a wee bit geared towards the middle and upper class to whom the idea of buying nothing at all for one day is actually something they have to try to do, rather than those of us who don’t have much money and don’t buy anything most days to begin with.
Well, I say why spend money on a faceless corporation that makes all its money by having its products made in sweatshops when you can spend money in my store, where you can be sure you are actually helping to support a real live person whose products are made in the U.S. or Canada (except for the t-shirts, as I couldn’t afford the fancy U.S. made ones back when I had them made) and who will actually use the money you spend to make more art!
It’s true, I’ve humbled myself before the gods of commerce and slashed prices dramatically in the store, for one day only, until midnight tonight! Why fight the crowds when you can buy things from my store in your underwear if you like? Many popular items are marked to SELL! GO GO GO!
In other news, our new dog Roxy has taken quite a shining to Zane’s leg (click “rotate” to see it right side up):
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Fables of Freewheel – $32 till the next page is posted!
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I love Jamie’s revelation that a lighter could be useful. Also did you know that volume one was recommended by Unshelved on Friday?
I did see that! Very cool.