I don’t know if you noticed, but Ren just revealed a pretty big detail… I’m glad it’s out in the open now, though, so I can refer to “this world,” “the middle,” and “the other side” without worrying too much about spoiling anything for anyone! Perhaps a lot of the weird stuff that’s happened in the last seven chapters makes a touch more sense now. Or not. Either way, there’s more weird stuff coming! If a world populated only by abandoned railroad parts isn’t weird enough…
So, one last time I’m gonna remind you and then I’ll shut up – this weekend is SPX!
First of all, here’s where my table is! I’ll be at table H12, which is here:
Just follow the pink trail! I’m in the same spot that I’m in pretty much every year, so it’s pretty easy to find if you’ve seen me at SPX before.
I will also be on a panel at 1pm on Saturday! Here is the description (it sounds totally awesome):
Comics and Worldbuilding
1:00 | Brookside Conference Room
This panel will consider the challenge of developing original settings for comics, individual artistic processes, and how the medium of comics is particularly well-suited to creating convincing invented worlds. Evan Dahm will lead a conversation with Liz Baillie, Aaron Diaz, Carla Speed McNeil and Spike Trotman.
Last but not least, I will be hosting the Ignatz Awards on Saturday night at 9pm in the downstairs area of the Marriott. Even if you have not been nominated for an Ignatz Award, I have made it so anyone in the room can win an award that is literally made of candy. Check out the details here. You want to win one of these guys, dontcha?
Also, I’m very happy to report that I received my copies of RELEASE THE BATS! just in time! I have set aside all the preordered copies, and hopefully will sell the rest at SPX (I’ll probably have to order more for NYCC).
And they look GREAT! YES!
Hopefully I will be able to make it to Atomic Books’ annual SPXplosion this evening but it all depends on how late I get checked into the hotel. I really want to go though, and I’m gonna try!
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Fables of Freewheel – $32 till the next page is posted!
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Oh, this just keeps getting more and more fun. Other realms! Yesss
So glad you’re enjoying it! I’m quite excited myself. Especially since I’ve been holding my tongue about it for the last seven chapters, and I’m tired of having to give vague explanations of plot points to people just so I can avoid spoilers!