Welcome to Chapter Six, and with it comes the tunnels! This is the very first page that hasn’t been seen by anyone before, in the book or online, as the book only collects the first five chapters.
Welcome to the dog days of summer! I can say with absolute certainty that they are, in fact, here. Right now. In my room. Making me sweat and forcing me to don nothing but a tank top and some weird cheetah-patterned boxer shorts. Not exactly a fashion plate in these months, no sir. For these are not fashion plate months!
However, since it *is* the official “dog days” of summer, let’s check out my actual dogs! I have two.
First up is the first-born, Ginger, a pitbull/boxer mix weighing it at just under 100 lbs who is 8 years young and ready to get petted by your hands. She’s been spending most of her time lounging on the floor in the hallway lately, as it’s been so freakin’ hot and I think it’s the place in the house that gets the least amount of sunlight. My husband Zane and I got Ginger during our first summer as a couple, when Ginger was still just a wee year and a half old. Back then she was a little leaner, and a LOT more excitable. Now she is a pretty chill old girl, getting some joint problems in her middle ages. She still rules though.
Next up is Ollie, a more recent addition to our household as of roughly two Christmases ago. I’d been begging Zane to let us get a second dog for a while, and finally he gave in. I wanted a cute, small fluffy dog and Ollie is what I got! He’s about 30 lbs, a King Charles Cavalier/Brittany Spaniel mix and full of piss and vinegar (literally). We are known to call him “little f*ck*r” on occasion due to his way hyperactive nature, his never-leaving-you-alone-ness, but most especially his habit of pissing on the toilet in the middle of the night from time to time. He does this weird staring thing where he’ll just sit in front of you and STARE. He’s a weirdo. But who could resist this face?
We call him Ollie because he has this jumping thing whenever he gets excited, which is basically any time he sees you do so much as *touch* his leash. It’s really adorable and endearing most of the time. Here is a video I took a while ago (before he got shaved for the summer) of me getting him to jump, which also features a few seconds of Ginger:
We haven’t put in our air conditioners yet so we’ve been getting through these dog days much like our dogs have been – by lying around and not doing much!
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Fables of Freewheel
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